Saturday, May 30, 2020

Why "Social Distancing" Instead of "Physical Distancing"?

Someone you work with invites you to their daughter's wedding.  You ignore the invitation, don't r.s.v.p., don't acknowledge it at all.  That is social distancing.

Staying six feet apart from other humans, that is physical distancing.

The public has been asked to practice physical distancing but refer to it as social distancing which is an entirely different thing.

The first time you heard someone explain what social distancing is I'm assuming you had the same reaction I did, you said "that's stupid", right?  And yet just about everyone says social distancing when they mean physical distancing and I don't see anyone correcting this abuse of the phrase.

Who benefited and what did they gain by changing the meaning of social?

Friday, January 31, 2020

Firefox, Thunderbird, and Zoho

I recently noticed when logged into Zoho the timestamp on my emails was incorrect.  The same thing was happening in Thunderbird.  Eventually I found that a setting I'd changed in both Firefox and Thunderbird was causing GMT to be used rather my GMT-5 which would reflect my time zone.

This was happening because privacy.resistFingerprinting had been changed to True.